
Monday, July 9, 2012

Soaking my Pork Chops

That's what I was doing anyway. I'm making my first attempt at a marinade. *Lord, help me.*

Unfortunately, it takes a while for them to marinade... and I usually go to bed around 9.

I may feel this tomorrow.

Today: rough. Well, at first anyway. I think that it may have had something to do with my empty stomach and the teeth that are causing me much pain.
Then lunch came around and my husband supplied me with the following: A hug, orajel, and food. I left one happy girl.

Okay, on to other things!

This past week I was reading a book. (I'm now reading another book) which means.... dun, dun, dun, dun.... I'm going to tell you what I think of said book!!!!

"A Voice in the Wind"
Francine Rivers

I had never heard of this book... until that fateful conversation at the Soup Kitchen. The book was highly recommended. I was told that it started off kind of slow, but would suck you in after the first couple of chapters. I was interested and was up for a challenge (at first it looks like it's super long - but I read it in a week - and I only get to read for a little bit after work.) *Thanks Emily!*
I found this book to be a wonderful read!!! *Note: as a former sort-of History major, I did notice a couple of things - but those can be overlooked easily.* I completely enjoyed it and definitely recommend it! I also recommend that you DO NOT read this book UNLESS you have book two within arms reach. Literally.
It was very easy to fall in love with all of the characters (and not-love... which you may feel bad for not loving the not so lovable characters - well, I did anyway.) Ms. Rivers doesn't always take the "same old, same old" path of most of the books that I am used to reading. I have to admit, she left me speechless and shocked more than once.
When I finished this book: I cried my stinking eyes out. In order to have some sort of consolation, (sometimes finishing a book can be a little devastating) I immediately started on book 2.
I would love to tell you guys so much more about this book... and I've been thinking about ways to write exactly what I think and feel about this book... but not matter what I would or could say, I refuse to say. I'm afraid I would give it all away!!

Peace, love, and pork chops!


  1. okay, now you HAVE to tell me what the history differences were! i was so proud of myself for knowing history stuff when i finished and now i am worried what i think i know is wrong! ha! glad you enjoyed it though ;) second was by far my favorite!

  2. No worries! It was really only one thing that I can rememebr, and it's nothing big! I was too into the book to really care. lol. Plus, I was amazed at all of the detail that she put into the books! The research she must have put into it all would have taken FOREVER!!! I'll send you a message on facebook about the one thing. :)
