You know, if God had given us a choice before we were born and laid out all of the pro's and con's of each sex - I wonder how many of 'us females' would have excitedly jumped up and down and said: "Girl, Girl, Girl, Girl Girl! I wanna be a GIRL!!!!" (I'm sorry, but I might have to had to think about it for a minute... lol)
Our hair will always be harder to fix.
When we have to potty, peeing on a bush or off of the front porch is not the easiest option.
We're all familiar with dresses and high heels. (Blessing and a curse...)
We live in a society in which it is encouraged to wear makeup - which, if you still want to look normal while wearing it, you must become some sort of artist... (which I've discovered that boys now think that 'normal' is what we look like when we're wearing makeup... I didn't wear any the other day and I had a guy come in and ask rather worriedly: "Are you okay?!?!)
Then, right in the middle of it all - there's that THING. (Yeah, you know what I'm talking about - we've all got a name for it, I'd tell you mine but for the sake of the fact that I don't know who's reading this, I'm just going to keep it simple and not tell.)
Oh yeah, and I almost forgot! You start to grow "boobs" Either you have too much or you don't have any at all, but at the start they are ALWAYS too big and too awkward. Even much later, they can be a hassle - but on the bright side, they're also convenient carry-around personal hand warmers!
There's the drama with friends, enemies, and the dreaded 'frienemies.'
There's stress brought on my having to face the shame of buying bras, pads and tampons... (Do you remember the first time you had to do it instead of getting your mom to do it for you??? Most of us looked suspiciously like shoplifters - who were horrible at shoplifting.)
There's stress brought on by trying to weigh 105lbs (While having boobs that weigh 40lbs).
Oh then there's stress brought on by boys. (Now, there is a strange creature.) One of the most annoying things is the fact of knowing that sometimes (I didn't say all of the time) they just have it so easy! I get so angry EVERY Sunday morning. From the moment of waking up, I need at least an hour to get ready. The hubs? Oh, I wake him up after I've been getting ready for 30 minutes. He hops up, takes a shower (5 minutes) Dries his hair with a towel (30 seconds) brushes his teeth and puts on his clothes (10 minutes if he can't find the right pair of pants or shirt). Then he grabs a freeze pop, plops down on the couch, turns on the TV and says something that REALLY ticks me off: "I'm ready whenever you are." (He's also the one one everyone walks up to and says: "You know, you have the prettiest eyelashes!" Seriously?? For real though, the man does have some to-die-for lashes.)
Oh, but it doesn't get any easier as you get older. I've heard people say: "Men get better with age..." Who cares if they get a little gray or a wrinkle here or there? It makes them look 'distinguished.' It does not work that way for women. Our clothes will quit being 'hot' and suddenly become un-sexy. Weight goes up - height and boobs go down. Wrinkles and age spots appear. (Our hair changes too, but thank the good Lord that can be taken care of rather easily.)
And all of that is just the basic stuff.
Would I change the fact that I am a girl? Heck no! I love being a girl! Is being a girl difficult? YES. Even though it's difficult, there are also so many blessings and fun things that only a girl can understand. (I mean how wonderful are Grandma's??? Have you ever heard some boys and men talk about how much they love and how wonderful their Mom's are??? What about 'Girl's night?' This list could also go on and on...)
Plus, God loves us. I mean, he created us as a gift for mankind. (Not something to be used - someone to be treasured.)
And in a world dominated by men, God used some very special women to work in big ways in His story! I figure that God must think we're something special if he decided to make us girls. The world just wouldn't function right without us!
Plus, it probably would not be nearly as pretty - or clean.
In order to keep this from being a mile long, I'll continue my ramblings on this subject later. :)
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