
Monday, July 2, 2012

The importance of having a "thing"

Okay, so take that title as you will - but it's true! I didn't realize just how important having a 'thing' really is until this last week.

My mother-in-law always told me that when she and Tony got married that they did things together, but they also had to have some time alone. He had softball and she had her books.
...A professor and friend of mine and Ben's said he always liked to head to the arcade after work.
...My Mom has her quiet time every morning.
I know many more examples. I was told that it helps to blow off steam, to give you some quality quiet or 'you' time, some time alone with God, and to keep you from going crazy - thus keeping you from inflicting all of that crazy on the poor people you love and live with (and those you work with.)

I guess I've been so busy for the last few years that I didn't realize that I needed a 'thing'. I had college, then I had to plan a wedding, then I had some odd part-time jobs that left me with lots of extra time - thus leaving me bored and bugging Ben every chance he was awake and not at work.
Now, I have a 40 hour a week job. To be honest, this is a new world for me. When I get home, I usually fall down on the couch, pick up the computer and I MIGHT force myself to get up and eat supper before going to bed at 9pm. None of this qualifies as a 'thing'.
Which, believe it or not - can make you feel like all you ever do is work or waste your time laying around at home.

This weekend, I had a new friend at church lend me some books. I haven't had time to just sit down and read a book in what seems like FOREVER. (When I say this, I mean read a book for fun.) When she asked if I wanted to borrow them, at first I thought "I don't have time..." like I usually do - BUT THEN I REALIZED that YES, I DO HAVE TIME!!! I read for a couple of hours last night and I was so happy! I've always loved reading -- and oh, how I've missed it!

Ben and I were talking last night about how much we love having our 'Me Time' - not that we don't love spending time together, it just makes the time we do have together so much better! That little bit of 'Me Time" helps to give you a chance to think and breathe... and to just be quiet.

Speaking of which... I do believe that a little reading is in my future! :)


  1. Beth I hope you are enjoying them! I meant to tell you that the first 50 or so pages of the first book are kind of long, but it gets so much better! I love your blog! I have one too and write when I can. Hope y'all have a good forth!


  2. Thank you!! So far, I'm loving the first book. I seriously can't put it down! (I'm working on chapter 12 now.) I hope y'all are having a wonderful 4th of July!
