
Monday, July 30, 2012

pushing my way to appreciation

We have a beautiful little white house.
We live on a scenic highway.

Our grass is something to behold.

I know we must get on our neighbors nerves... she cuts grass at least twice a week.
We cut grass maybe twice a month.

and that's a big maybe.

Like most young couples, we're not rolling in money.
When we bought our house, a lawnmower was generously given to us - and we are VERY thankful.
Now, as thankful as we are... this lawnmower is older. It's a push mower and no, it is in no way shape or form self propelled.
It's hard work.
But I know that we're saving money using it.
I'm building muscles using it.
I'm learning some very important lessons from this little mower.

Cutting grass was always my time to think. (It also gives me time to talk to myself where no one can hear. Sometimes talking out loud helps me think better.) So I've never minded cutting grass.

Sadly, some of those times my thinking got rather deep and I didn't pay the best attention.
One particular time, I was letting two trains of thought run through my mind. First train: the boy I liked at the time. Yes, I was daydreaming. Second: I was thinking about how impressed my Dad (and the boy I liked) would be at my grass cutting skills... especially when my Dad came home and saw how close I was able to get to the house with our riding lawnmower.
Unfortunately, I did not take into count the fact that while the grass stopped a foot away from the edge of the house, I still had 2 feet of lawnmower in front of the blades.
To say that I wrecked would be an understatement.
I literally broke a piece of the house. (I never was one for the 'turtle' speed...)

That dream I had of showing my Dad how close I came to the house came true... but not exactly the way I had planned it out.

Today, I got some thinking in.
Luckily the only thing I ran over -or into- was a mouse.
Poor mouse.

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