Supposedly, people go OUT on Friday nights. You know, celebrating the end of the work week. 'People' must not include me. My desire is to stay IN. I have no idea where people muster enough energy to get dressed up and go outside again! I didn't even really want to go out to eat tonight, but I desired to spend some quality time with people.
Okay, this is going to veer in a completely opposite direction for a minute.
You know those times in life when you hear a noise at night and you CANNOT distinguish what it is? I just had one of those moments. I hate those moments. The ones were you start picturing some creeper peering through the window at you... and the LAST thing you want to do is to walk over to the window and check. Why? Because if you peep out of the window, it'll turn into a horror movie and a scary face will appear out of no-where.
I'll be jumpy for the rest of the night.
Anyways, back to what I was originally saying...
I wanted to spend some time with people. So, I went out to eat with my In-laws. (We went to Fatz - yum! Another plus: this trip, unlike the last, I was lucky enough NOT to be flashed by some man peeing off of his front porch - scarred for life.. you have no idea.) Eating just made me even more sleepy - but I enjoyed myself.
Bright side: I wont have to pray myself out of bed at the butt-crack of dawn tomorrow morning.
No, I'll probably get up at the butt-crack of dawn entirely on my own - just because I DON'T have to be up early. Now THAT is frustrating. It happens every Saturday. It doesn't matter how determined I am to just stay in bed and sleep - KNOWING that it's my only day of the week to sleep in - my body refuses to let me go back to sleep.
But all of that is O.K.
The weekends are nap time at Ben and Beth's house! Whoo-hoo!!
Now THAT is what I call a week-end celebration! :)
Peace, Love, and Sweet Dreams.
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