
Monday, March 26, 2012

That awkward moment when...

Recap of the weekend:

Location: Home Depot
Objective: Buy Grass Seed
What Happened: Prince Charming (holding the bag of grass seed) says: "Look it's *I touch it* rat poop...."

Location: Home, Mall, Costco, Home Depot, and Wal-Mart
Objective: Work on the back yard
What Happened: It rained all night so yard was too soggy to work with. Got a phone call from The Cat Lady and went shopping. Very proud of myself - didn't buy ANYTHING. (Other than the groceries for supper that night.) What are two cheap twenty-somethings going to do when they get hungry? Discover the joys of Costco. The Cat Lady got us in, and I learned just how awesome the store is. It isn't scary like Sams Club (No "beep, beep, beep...) and for what I pay for 20 dishwasher tablets currently, I could be getting 120 at Costco. The hunger problem was solved by a sample table at both ends of every aisle. Got lost in different Home Depot and aggravated with people and injured my a cart in Wal-Mart. At least I had good company though.
Got home and started trying to clean up before supper. Splash water everywhere. Fill up the mop bucket with cold water (For some reason, I cannot mop with cold water... yeah, I'm weird.) but it made my garbage disposal smell pretty.

Location: Home and Church
Objective: Get through the day without having as many clumsy episodes as the day before. (I spared you guys the play-by-play, Saturday was rough.)
What happened: It all started out okay, burned the pooh-nanny out of my finger when trying to work my straightener as a curling iron. Prince Charming burned the pooh-nanny out of his hand when trying to use the iron as an iron. Made it to church in one piece though. We made it official and joined our church Sunday morning. After the service we had to stand at the front and shake hands. I had coffee and cake during Sunday School so I was worried that my breath might smell pretty rancid, plus little old people tend to get right up in your face when they shake hands and talk to you... so I kept backing up little by little. Eventually, my heels hit the step behind me. I kept telling myself that I should step forward some or I'd bust my tail, but I never did. Finally, one group came through and as they moved past me to talk to Charming, I lost my balance. At first I did the wave your arms and hands around to try and catch yourself (I was trying to be subtle) and when that didn't work, I figured I would just grab the edge of Charming's pants. Unfortunately, losing your balance messes up your sense of distance. I missed the edge/pocket area. I full fledged grabbed his privates in front of everyone. Worse? It was a full on grab and pull. Worse than that? It was a family with kids. I regained my balance though - tried to regain my dignity with a "Whew! I almost fell down!" Charming was a champ though - never missed a beat. Acted like nothing happened until they left. Then he made fun of me. The next two little old ladies in line didn't shake my hand - hope it was because I was holding my Bible and not because they had seen the little incident....

So... how was your weekend?

Here's to accidentally molesting your husband at totally inappropriate times...


  1. Haha! I love it!!!!!!!!!! -Lindsey P.

  2. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall LOL!!!!!

  3. ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats on joining the church though!
