Today was BEAUTIFUL!
This morning, as soon as I got up out of bed, I went into the living room and opened all of the blinds and the front door just as I usually do. When I looked out of my front door, I saw my kitties... hungry and trying to bust down the door just as they usually do. I went to the kitchen and got their food, just as I usually do. I opened the door and said "Good morning kitties! Mommy knows you're hungry - you've got to move so I can put your food out." just as I usually do.
But then...
I felt the breeze... I could smell the fresh, new, just-washed smell of spring in the air... I could see the flowers and all of the new green grass. It was perfect. It was spring. It was calling my name. I couldn't even go back inside. So, instead of walking back inside to escape the cold as I usually do - I walked two feet and plopped my behind down on my front step. Pajamas, crazy hair, and all... (This is more of a big deal since we live on a pretty busy highway.) I sat there so long, just basking in the glory of the spring-ness, that my kitties finished their breakfast. Gray kitty came and sat beside me. Gray kitty is such a handsome boy - and lazy to boot. My little black kitty, who is not as lazy - but twice as shy - ran down the steps and played around my feet. She's been getting braver. Then she did something that I didn't expect. She walked up the steps right beside of me with her tail up. Since I was talking to her, my eyes followed and low and behold... She is a HE. (That's why I said I've been duped!) No mistaking it folks - I have two boy kitties. I've been fooled twice. Each time I thought I was getting a girl - only to have them reveal to me otherwise. I love my fella's though. It was just such a shock!
THEN... this afternoon, still enamoured with the beautiful day - I did something else out of the ordinary... I cut the grass! This doesn't seem like a big deal to most people, but you see, first of all - the only mower we have working currently is a push mower that is not self propelled (that's a bigger deal than you'd think it would be...) and being a spoiled brat who grew up on flat ground (my current front yard seems to have a 90 degree hill...) with a riding lawnmower, I generally will let my grass get a little high... Me and lawnmowers of any kind also have a rather destructive relationship. I'm pretty good at mowing the lawn, I just have a tendency to run into and break things that are not grass. A few for instance: driving directly into my parents house, having multiple head-on collisions with light poles, and forgetting to take my lawnmower out of gear when I jump it off. (Believe it or not, lawnmowers can and will run away from you - twice - and break the jumper cables. I'm sure it makes great entertainment for the neighbors though - watching me chase the lawnmower across the yard...) I think all of this must be because I use the time that I cut grass as time to think - so the last thing I'm really focusing on is cutting the grass... either way, I now usually wait for Prince Charming to cut the grass.
But today... today was beautiful. My yard looked so lovely - except for the grass... so I took my little push mower and worked my little butt off. I mowed until I ran out of gasoline. (Which I was glad to run out of - I was getting blisters and I was tired of people that I don't know waving at me.)
All in all, today was a pretty good day. I decided that I'm going to try to run off a budget sheet and try to get our finances more in order, and that I am going to try to get better at this whole "coupon" thing. I always want to try it, but I'm usually to lazy to find them and cut them out - and when I do, I usually forget them when I go to the store. We shall see how this experiment goes.
My mom coupons (not to the extreme amount) and loves it! I'm like you though, I would never be able to keep that in order!