
Sunday, October 6, 2013


How Far Along? 37 weeks and 1 day. We are now officially Full Term! (Okay Baby... it's time to come out now!)
Baby Size: Eh, we're supposed to be around a watermelon.
Total Weight Gain: I went to the doctor on Wednesday and I haven't gained any since my last appointment. Did lose a couple of ounces though.
Maternity Clothes: I just try to find things that cover my belly. I personally don't think that the belly hanging out the bottom of a shirt is super attractive. I feel like I'm enough like a old man with a beer gut as it is... don't think I need to make matters worse. haha.
Stretch Marks: Yeah... but oh well. My husband still thinks I'm pretty.
Best moment this week: My doctors appointment. I also really enjoyed my foot massage on Friday. (Ben really does a great job. Heck, I might see about getting another one today.)
Miss Anything? We're just looking forward.
Movement: I thought that maybe she had dropped, but now I'm not sure??? Some of her movements hurt. I told Ben she's gone from Ninja baby to Sumo Wrestler child.
Food Cravings: I'm hungry, but I don't know what I want to eat.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Eating, apparently? The last couple of days I have felt sick after eating. Bleh.
Started to show yet? I don't really think I have to answer this question by now. I'm hoping most people have figured things out.
Gender: Girl!
Belly Button in or out? Out.
Wedding Rings on or off? Off. I try to change this daily, but I fear I'm fighting a losing battle. I just really hope they fit again after she's born.
Weird Pregnancy Stuff? Again, lately I'm not feeling too well in the belly department. I can't decide if I'm tired or not. I woke up this morning and I am beyond the normal amount of cranky... and weepy. I really want her to come out already - but I'm scared for her to come out too soon. But I really, really don't want  her to stay in there much longer. Biggest thing I'm dealing with currently is that I have gotten it stuck in my head that she's coming soon and when I remember that I could very well be pregnant for another 3 weeks, I really want to cry. Ben and I have tried pretty much everything, but I'm still holding out on the castor-oil. It seems that none of it seems to be working. :(
Looking forward to: Holding my little baby.
Birth Date Guess? Okay, so this is new but Ben and I decided we would put in our official guesses.
My guess: The weekend of October 12th weighing in at 6lbs 8oz.
Ben's guess: October 28th weighing in at 7lbs 5oz.
Feel free to throw your guesses into the pot!
(I'm now really, really hoping that we're both wrong on the dates.)

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