Okay, as usual... here's a quick run-down on our visit to the doctor.
(Which will be weekly now!)
Peed in a cup.
(Was told that I am NOT drinking enough fluids.)
Took my blood pressure.
(It was great.)
Stepped on the scale. I actually LOST a teeny-weeny-itsy-bitsy bit of weight!
(Which is totally strange because I've been eating us out of house and home.)
Got a shot or some sort of blood drawn.
(I was REALLY trying not to pay attention to this part since I really don't like needles.)
They took me back to an exam room and I had to get undressed.
I told the doc about those strange contractions.
They checked for Baby's heart beat. It was between 140-150 range.
(She's doing good!)
They did some sort of Strep B test. (? I think that's what it's called?)
(It wasn't long or painful.)
Then they checked me. Which made me kind of scared because I have heard that it hurts. Plus, they tell you that "You're going to feel a lot of pressure." Which is doctor speak for: "This is really, really going to hurt."
It didn't hurt though.
Found out that I'm 1cm dilated and 75% effaced.
We asked the doc if she could make a guess as to how long we had left. She wouldn't make a guess, but said that everything was going great - and if I'm reading into things correctly, (and I'm pretty sure I am from something else I heard.) we could, but they do NOT expect us to make it to our October 26th due date. In fact, maybe it's a good thing I've had this weird sense of urgency to get all of my ducks in a row.
(But I'm trying really, really hard not to get my hopes up!)
Now, if only this whole "nesting" thing will kick in...
Let the baby watch begin!!
Yay...im sure it want be long now I know u are so excited I could not wait I ran out of patience and I had high blood p so they induced me both times a week early and both kids were 7lbs and sum ounces so I wish yall well can't wait:)