
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Doctors Visit

Okay, as usual... here's a quick run-down on our visit to the doctor.
(Which will be weekly now!)

Peed in a cup.
(Was told that I am NOT drinking enough fluids.)
Took my blood pressure.
(It was great.)
Stepped on the scale. I actually LOST a teeny-weeny-itsy-bitsy bit of weight!
(Which is totally strange because I've been eating us out of house and home.)
Got a shot or some sort of blood drawn.
(I was REALLY trying not to pay attention to this part since I really don't like needles.)
They took me back to an exam room and I had to get undressed.
I told the doc about those strange contractions.
They checked for Baby's heart beat. It was between 140-150 range.
(She's doing good!)
They did some sort of Strep B test. (? I think that's what it's called?)
(It wasn't long or painful.)
Then they checked me. Which made me kind of scared because I have heard that it hurts. Plus, they tell you that "You're going to feel a lot of pressure." Which is doctor speak for: "This is really, really going to hurt."
It didn't hurt though.
Found out that I'm 1cm dilated and 75% effaced.

We asked the doc if she could make a guess as to how long we had left. She wouldn't make a guess, but said that everything was going great  - and if I'm reading into things correctly, (and I'm pretty sure I am from something else I heard.) we could, but they do NOT expect us to make it to our October 26th due date. In fact, maybe it's a good thing I've had this weird sense of urgency to get all of my ducks in a row.
(But I'm trying really, really hard not to get my hopes up!)

Now, if only this whole "nesting" thing will kick in...

Let the baby watch begin!!

1 comment:

  1. sure it want be long now I know u are so excited I could not wait I ran out of patience and I had high blood p so they induced me both times a week early and both kids were 7lbs and sum ounces so I wish yall well can't wait:)
