
Monday, August 12, 2013

29 weeks

How Far Along? 29 weeks and 2 days
Baby Size: Somewhere around 16-17 inches long and around 3lbs!
Total Weight Gain: Okay, according to the scale at the doctors, I gained 6lbs in 3 weeks. I think it was lying. It was at the end of the day and I was wearing my boots. I think I really only gained 4lbs.
Maternity Clothes: I couldn't take the skinny jeans any more. (Plus, some of the bands were starting to cut my belly in half.) I broke down, went to target, and bought a pair of boot leg jeans. I FEEL LIKE A NEW WOMAN!!! I feel like myself again! :)
Stretch Marks: Nothing yet... but my belly has been SUPER itchy and burn-y the last two days - especially around my belly button. We've been going to town on some moisturizer. Heck, sometimes it's not even about the stretch mark fear I have - it just itches that bad!
Best moment this week: Getting to see my parents and sister.
Miss Anything? Today? It's been cooler weather, no bugs, and non-itchy/zit covered skin.
Movement: She is a sneaky one... I don't understand it, but she just WILL NOT move a lot for anyone other than me and Ben. She will move, but she will not show her crazy baby side. She also gets the hiccups all of the time!
Food Cravings:  Ice Cream. Potato Salad. Snickers. Ice Water. Sweet Tea.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not eating. Being stressed.
Started to show yet? Getting rounder by the day.
Gender: Girl! But people keep asking me about "That little boy in there." Apparently I'm REALLY round.
Belly Button in or out? out-ish?
Wedding Rings on or off? On.
Weird Pregnancy Stuff? Still super emotional.
Get overwhelmed, tired, and stressed out easily.
If I sit for long periods of time, not only do I waddle when I get up... occasionally it feels like this baby is going to fall right out.
I went to the doc on Wednesday. I got my Rho-gam (Spelling?) shot... in the butt. (well, actually the side/top of my hip.) But it didn't hurt like I heard that it would! They also drew my blood just to make sure I hadn't already started developing antibodies.
Saturday, in the grocery store, the cashier asked me when I was due with my little boy. I told her "Well, actually it's a little girl." Her reply? "That's what you think!" I was a little shocked... so I just cheerfully said "Well, that's what they tell me anyway - but we'll find out for sure in about two months!"
I stopped at a rest area and as I walked to the bathrooms I had a man ask if it was a little boy - I told him nope, but I was starting to wonder since he was the second person to ask me this weekend!
The skin around my belly button burns and itches!!
Frosted Mini Wheat's (Little Bites) have become one of my BFFs. Why? Lets just say that all of my pregnancy apps say that I should watch myself or I'm going to have WAY too much in common with the man off of the Preparation H commercials. While he seems like a nice enough man, I DO NOT EVER want to have anything in common with him.
Looking forward to: Next appointment is in a week and a half. But I'm thinking the appointment after that we'll get to have our final ultrasound! (Which, I would love to see if she has any hair... AND I WILL be asking them to double check and make sure that she is still a she... all these people asking are starting to worry me.) Also, only 75 days until the due date! But I'm thinking I've already got my official guess for when she'll officially get here....

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