
Monday, August 6, 2012

Monday, you will not blot out my happiness!

(I'm sorry to say that this entry will be short. I should already be in bed, but I needed to pay bills - and that's never a two minute activity.)

If you hated today, raise your hand!

Today... today, was a Monday. It was quite horrid. But, like everything - there are always bright things to keep you holding on and above the surface.

I think I loathed today because the previous weekend was just FABULOUS! (and maybe because I woke up at 4am...)

One of my favorite parts (and one of those bright, happy moments that kept me going today...): Alanah had her birthday part on Saturday. She turned 3 years old! It was a princess party and she even wore a princess gown. When it came time to open presents, she opened one (a cash register) and said so wistfully... "OH NANA... How did you KNOW???..."
*I so wish you could have heard her... it was so sweet. It was like she'd gotten the most secretly longed-for present of her entire life..."

What's your bright spot? Keep holding on! The week lies ahead! But we WILL weather this storm!

1 comment:

  1. Always remember Momma loves you and so does Jesus
    Old Grey Mare
