
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Killin' ya' with cuteness...

I've been spending some time lately going through old pictures with Sherry.

I love getting to see my manly, beardy-faced, grown up husband as a little boy! (Plus, it helps give me an idea of what our kids might look like one day!)

I thought that tonight I would share a couple of the photos with you guys! (He's so stinking cute, I couldn't resist sharing!)

(My word... I had a lot of exclamation points going on there.... Sorry about that...)

Oh my goodness... Couldn't you just squeeze those little cheeks?!!! How adorable is he?!! Apparently he was sweet to boot! I was told very helpful and quiet... and VERY protective of his Momma. I was told that once in the grocery store, he kicked the mess out of one of the older men that we went to church with because that man said "shut-up" to his Momma. (In a joking way, of course... but Ben didn't know that - he just knew that was a bad word.)
Sherry said Ben NEVER did anything half way... (That hat and jacket are legit cowboy wear - you can be assured that there was a very nice pair of cowboy boots on his feet.) and he decided at quite a young age that he was a cowboy. (I was told that it was all of the John Wayne and Clint Eastwood films. He once told me that by the age in the above picture he had no question in his mind whether or not he was every bit the bad mama jama that Mr. Eastwood was.)
While me and the Mr. are waiting a little while before we have our passel of cowboys and princesses, these pictures sure give me something to dream about.
I don't worry too much about having ugly babies. :)

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