
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Goodbye wisdom!

Okay, so I'm attempting to do this post from my iPhone since looking at the big computer screen for too long makes me woozy.

Yesterday, first thing bright and early - I took the Valium that I was prescribed by my dentist. Being nervous about what Valium would do to me, I asked people and YouTubed thank junk- along with watching videos of people who had just had their teeth taken out. The conclusion: Valium was going to make me loopy and after they gave me the stuff at the dentist, I was going to be so out of it that I would think I rode a unicorn to Hogwarts. While all of this scared me a little, I also was kind of looking forward to it. Who wouldn't be? I get to go to some magical place and not remember anything.

About 55 minutes later though, I told Ben that I wasn't sure if the meds were working or not. But at least I wasn't breathing into a paper bag because I was freaking out.

They strapped the gas on me and everyone talked for a few minutes. The doc asked me if I felt any different - nope. Nada. Nothing. I was a little panicked. If they started working on my teeth right then, I would be just as awake and alert as any normal person! Thankfully, he told the nurse to turn it up a little and I decided to breathe that junk liked life depended on it. Two breaths in, I started laughing - don't know why, nothing was said and nothing was funny, but laugh I did - and hey laugh with me. So they started their work. (nothing will sober you up faster than hearing the word needle.)

Thank Jesus that Ben was in there. He held my hand the entire time and I was able to talk to everyone the whole time. I know what the doc and nurse probably thought some of the stuff I said had to do with the gas, but thankfully the husband knew I meant every word - he's used to the random lol. He also knows how chatty I get and if I'm nervous even a little bit, I just start saying whatever pops in my head.

Honestly, it really wasn't that bad and it was over really fast. I was able to walk out by myself and my face didn't even swell! Sad day though: because of OSHA regulations, I wasn't allowed to bring my teeth home :( so my loving husband made sure to get some good pictures before we left.

CAUTION: if you don't want to see my teeth, please scroll down to e next picture. Also, no worries - I'm only including one picture of the teeth.)


One I got home the husband gave me some pain meds and tucked me into bed. What a marvelous nap!I had so many wonderful people check in on me and I LOVE my care package from Ben's mom, aunts, and other mama (his grandma).

My Mother-in-Law knows me so well :)
(yes, those are Grumpy and Dopey socks - I told Sherry those can represent how I'm supposed to feel! lol)

I was also brought chicken stew and mashed potatoes and gravy from Kentucky Fried Chicken! The Lord has really really blessed me. I'm sorry I don't have a funny video to put up of me after I lost my wisdom teeth, but I can tell those of you who need to have your wisdom removed, it's not as bad as it seems. Also I know an awesome dentist, if you ever need one. :)

Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'm going to go back to bed...

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