things don't always go as planned... and people forget to do things like... updating their blogs. Sorry about that folks. I'm also sorry that this blog isn't going to be the awesomeness that I had previously promised.
I had a fun trip, but I cannot explain the joy that hit me when I pulled into my driveway. Other than seeing Prince Charming, seeing this little white house with the two little kitties sitting on the porch, after a leaving for a little while, makes me so incredibly happy.
There is nothing quite like walking into a clean house after you've been gone...
Then... I let my bags hit the floor.
Yes, I dropped them in front of my table by the door. I left them there and stumbled my way to the bedroom where I lay passed out for the next 4 1/2 hours. (Long drives will wear a body out!) When I woke up, I ignored the bags and went out to eat with Prince Charming. I ignored them when we came home. I ignored them first thing this morning. I ignored them when we got home from church, and I'm ignoring them now. (And I wonder how my house gets in such disarray so quickly.) The weekends are my time with Prince Charming though, so it doesn't bother me. I refuse to worry about little things when I'm spending time with him.
Now... on to the pictures.
This was an outfit of my own choosing. My Mother says that she hated it - but I loved it. Apparently over the years I have had certain items of clothing that I have fallen in love with. This outfit was apparently one of them. Through the years, there also was a pair of purple light-up sneakers (which I got caught pulling out of the trashcan after Ma had made me throw them out...), a night shirt that had a polar bear in a bathtub on it (that I hid under my mattress - currently still in my trunk - because Ma threatened to throw it away as soon as she saw it again), and some "popcorn" pants. (They were incredibly ugly - but EXTREMELY comfortable.)
Me and my Momma...
I would like to point out how dirty my sister's feet are in this picture. It makes me laugh every time.
Keep it cheesin', people.
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