
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Once upon a time...

     Okay, so first of all... I am not Cinderella. Though, we do have a few things in common. We both have a fantastic fairy tale love story. We both have an extremely handsome and loving Prince Charming. We both have a lot of animal friends, and we both do A LOT of housework. (She's better at it than I am, though.) I chose Cinderella because of these things - and because I feel that I understand her. I always feel like a princess when it comes to the story of my life. Though... when it comes to my house... it's more like the before-the-ball Cinderella.
     Every woman that I know, wants to be the Proverbs 31 wife. I was no exception. The only problem is... people forget to tell you (or maybe you're so far off in dream land that you just don't hear them... who knows?) that you do not wake up the day after your wedding day magically transformed into the perfect wife. (We just celebrated our 1 year anniversary - you don't wake up transformed into the perfect wife the morning after that one either.) If you're like me, your husband loves you so much, he doesn't see this reality. Whether the blindness is by choice or because he just doesn't notice - either way, it's love.(I'm pretty sure that it's by choice, because let's face it, the mounds of clothes that never seem to make it into the closet, dresser, or the washing machine every day are kind of hard to miss.
     So... this is my blog. This is my journey to becoming the "perfect" wife. (I'm blessed because my husband already thinks I am.) You know, the one who keeps her house clean ALL of the time.( Mine only seems to be clean when no one wants to visit.) Who is thrifty, and brings in a little money. Who manages to look pretty even when she's cleaning. Who can cook amazing, healthy, fantastic tasting meals (that even her super picky husband will eat!) and to whom laundry is a dear friend - not her worst enemy and the bane of her existence.

Disclaimer: No worries folks, I'm not going to be one of those crazy obsessive women. This is just a record of a real life "Happily Ever After," for a real life Cinderella.

P.S. In case you're one of those negative, downer people... Please keep your pie-hole shut, your fingers away from your keyboard, and your comments away from my blog. No one is making you read my blog. Thanks. :)

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