
Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Big Twenty (One) Week Check - Up

Tuesday's appointment was kind of long, so this may be kind of long also...
(Okay, yeah. It's long.)

Gosh, I don't even know where to start!

We have been waiting on this appointment for what seemed like FOREVER. (It was 5 weeks instead of the usual 4 week wait.) Besides getting to know baby's gender, I also had a lot of anxiety and questions start compiling over the last month. I just wanted to hear that everything was okay with my baby!

I've been having dreams about baby for a long time. Every time I dreamed, baby either had no gender or was a boy. Two nights before our appointment, I dreamed that Ben and I were in the ultrasound room and the tech handed us an envelope. We opened it and it said that we were having a boy! I didn't think that I had a preference, and never in a million years would I think that I would want a little girl, but in my dream I was a little disappointed. In fact, I asked the technicians if they were sure. They said yes, but I asked them to check again... and so they showed me his little boy parts on the screen. I woke up and was thoroughly confused. What the heck did all of this mean? Did this mean I was having a little boy? Did this mean that I would rather have a little girl??? Suddenly, I REALLY wanted to know!

By the time that Tuesday rolled around, I was a ball of energy. I couldn't sit still. I could barely think straight. What was baby? What was I going to do if they told me something was wrong? Luckily, my first appointment was at 1pm. I ended up leaving work at 11:53... because I just couldn't wait out those last couple minutes. (What if someone came in and wanted to talk and ask a bunch of questions?? Didn't they know this was one of the biggest days of my life?!? Best to avoid any complications and just head to the house to grab Ben.)

We stopped by Wendy's on the way to the hospital. Just a quick meal, right? Wendy's HAD THE LONGEST LINE IN THE WORLD. We finally got to eat, and I couldn't even finish all of my nuggets, but I did have a good deal of strawberry lemonade. (Figured it would help out if baby wasn't feeling too squirmy.) We got to the hospital in plenty of time, and I signed in. We were third in line in the waiting room. They called in the first people... then they called in the second set of people... then they called in the lady who walked in after us... then they called the lady who walked in after her... I was starting to get nervous again. What if they forgot about us??? It was already 1:20! (And I needed to pee.) Finally, a nurse/ultrasound tech opened the door and Ben and I forgot about everything but being excited. Her name was Nancy and she was SO nice! I was really comfortable and let me pee first! We talked to her about family history and I was able to ask her any questions I liked. Then I laid back, pulled my shirt up, she squired the warm gel stuff on my belly and the fun began!

Baby was laying face down and had it's back curved and it looked like an alligator. Since we had some questions about spinal things, and baby was showing it off so beautifully, Nancy checked spine first - and everything looked AWESOME! Since Ben had let her know that we REALLY, REALLY wanted to know the gender, she told us that we'd go ahead and jump to the fun part. I looked at the screen and HAD NO CLUE what I was looking at. It just looked like a big bunch of blobby things to me... so Nancy asked if we could tell. I said nope and she told us she was going to let the student tech tell us... but before she could, Ben belts out that "IT'S A GIRL!" He sounded so excited, and so hopeful! (No worries, they confirmed and pointed everything out!) I might-maybe-may have had a tear or two come out... Ben announced that as soon as we got finished with the doctors office visits, he was going to buy his baby girl something TODAY.
We got to see her little nose (totally mine), her little lips (totally Ben's). We also took a look at her brains, her legs (She's got some strong, thick, sturdy little legs! As soon as I saw them, I said "So THAT's why her movements feel more mule-ish!) We saw her kidneys, liver, stomach, etc. We got a profile view of her face, and her hands were right up close... as soon as we said something about it looking like she was sucking her thumb... Whoosh! The hand disappeared! (She's a fast little mover!) She was totally posing for her pictures though, they told us! haha.They double checked my cervical length (All's good! Made me feel a thousand times better!) and the amniotic fluid (lots to swim in! Which is good, I was worried.) After she finished with her measurements, she left to type up a report and the student took over. She was SUPER sweet too, but baby girl was getting tired of picture time.
We kept trying to catch a view of her hands... so she threw both of them behind her head and kicked her feet back. She looked REALLY comfortable. She finally moved one hand forward and we got a look... and she immediately moved it to her forehead. (Which her pose was extra funny because it was the exact same pose I had while I was watching her on the screen!) Finally she covered her face with both hands... and since that didn't stop the viewing, she flipped around and buried her head in my hip bone.
We talked to the doctor there - again, super nice! - and he said that our baby was about 15oz and everything looked WONDERFUL! I felt so relieved and happy! (Even though my butt was asleep for lying on my back for so long.) We ended up getting to my second doctors appointment about 10 minutes late. I love my OBGYN and so does Ben. We know a few of the people there, and they ALL know Ben. They smile when he comes in because they know he gets excited and shows off pictures and everything. He just gets so excited! I signed in and he didn't even sit down! He barged through the door looking for a friend of ours who works there - he had to share the news! We talked until they called me back, and they had the run-of-the-mill stuff... pee in a cup, step on the scale, ask any questions, take your blood pressure... and then we went to wait in the office on the doctor.
My doctors office makes you visit with each of the doctors so that you can get to know them all before you deliver. This time I was meeting with one of the man doctors... I had never had to see a MAN lady doctor... I was a little nervous, but Ben was still on a high from finding out about having a girl. He gets bored, so he started playing with the bendy light at the end of the table. I fuss at him and tell him to stop... he doesn't do so until the following convo happens:

Ben: You know, the way that light is set up... I don't think that light is used to look down at anything.... I think it's supposed to look up... at places that don't see normally see the light...
Me: Duh. They use it to look at hoo-ha's when they do exams, babe. I told you it was a heated light!
Ben: I touched it.
Me: It's okay, it doesn't touch anything.
Ben: Yeah, but the doctor wears gloves and turns it on and off... the same gloves they touch hoo-ha's with!! Dang it! They don't have one of those hand cleaner things! They have to have some around here somewhere!
(at that part he starts looking around rather frantically for some hand sanitizer.)

The doctor makes in in, and we get to hear baby's heart beat (159 - only one up from the last two visits!) and I got to ask any questions. He let me know that I am rh negative and that around 28 weeks, I will have to get a shot to make sure that my body doesn't start producing antibodies that might hurt the baby/ future babies. I'll have to have another one after delivery, and shots during any subsequent pregnancy - unless Ben is also rh negative. (So we need to check into his blood information just in case.) All in all, he's a pretty cool doctor. (you know your doctor has young children when they use tough medical terminology such as "poop.") I told Ben that I wouldn't mind if he delivered my baby.

Afterwards, we went shopping... we went to two different stores before Ben finally found a dress that he was happy with. (What can I say? He's a picky man - and this is his baby girl!)

Okay, this is ridiculously long. I'm going to wrap it up, and will tell the rest of the story of how we told our parents next time. :)

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