
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Round #2

So, this little clan is expanding from 3 to 4! (Unless Mimi get's her wish and there's more than one in there. In which case, the surprise is on us. *Update: Mimi, did not get her wish.*) Apparently, this was the world's not-so-biggest surprise. When we told our family, the most frequent reply was: We knew it! What took you guys so long?! So in order to treat my children fairly, to keep family and friends informed, and because it's the best way to keep a neat little record for the future - I'm going to post my updates on my blog again.

6 Weeks

How far along? As of today, I am 6 weeks along. Now, I'm not actually posting this on the blog yet. This is just going to be saved for a little while. We're not exactly keeping this a secret anymore, we just haven't gone all social-media-public. I had planed to keep it a secret for at least 2 months. Last time, I swore that with the next one I wouldn't tell until I was like 4 months along so maybe I wouldn't feel like I was pregnant forever. As you can tell, we're 6 weeks in and I've already said that we've told people. How did this happen? Well, the day after Ben and I found out, I thought I was texting Ben about the baby... because, you know, who wouldn't want to talk about big news like that? Yeah... it was the maintenance man at work. Whoops.
Baby size: I have no idea. Let me check that app thing... a sweet pea. There.
Total weight gain/loss: No clue. Since the last time, I've switched jobs and the cattle scale isn't handy anymore. And for some reason, buying a scale for the house doesn't seem like a necessity - or anything I'm willing to shell out $30 for. 
Maternity clothes? Nope. Unless you count the maternity clothes I've been wearing and passing off as "normal" clothes since I was pregnant with Pey. 
Stretch marks? You mean the leftover ones? Haha. Just kidding. I know what it means... I am not aware of any new ones at this current moment.
Sleep: I'm just going to say that I have a toddler with the croup.
Best moment this week:  It's been a rough week this week. Ben had work stuff to handle out of town and Peyton decided to catch the croup. I'M SO EXCITED IT'S FRIDAY AND I MIGHT GET TO SLEEP.

Miss Anything? The idea of certain foods. It's only because I know I can't have them for a while. Dang pregnancy rule books.
Movement: Of course not. 
Food cravings: Salt. I really wanted Chinese Food the other day. I've really wanted savory stuff, so I've been pouring the flavors to things - and they're still bland. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: If I don't eat.
Have you started to show yet: I like to follow pregnancy blogs. My middle section is rivaling some of these first time mommy's well-into-the-second-trimester bellies. Listen, it's probably from my deep enjoyment of *salty* food, but I'm going to blame it on second baby stuff.
Gender: Everyone claims to know but me! Peyton first said that it was a "durl" and that it was her "bay-bee seester" but the last two days she's changed her tune. I don't trust her opinion though. The other day, she said I had 10 babies in there.
Symptoms: Super tired. A few cramps. Really sore boobs. (Which Pey is PULVERIZING. Toddlers jump and waller and have NO CONSIDERATION FOR A MOMMY IN PAIN. In fact, they find it FUNNY. Just you wait little girl. One day, many, many moons from now, maybe you'll have a baby on the way yourself. First thing I'm doing is socking you in the boobs and laughing about it. A little moody (Nothing compared to how I was with Peyton. Listen, I swore the whole time it was her acting out and not me. People raised their eyebrows and rolled their eyes. They see the truth now. The world is chica's stage - and she's going to put on a show. She feels everything FULL FORCE. No reason to let your people down.) Really digging the salt these days. I get a little icky feeling if I don't snack often enough.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to: Feeling the baby move. Also, being able to rest my food and drink of my belly. 
Random Observations: HOW MUCH CAN A PERSON FORGET BETWEEN PREGNANCY?! Apparently, a lot. I forgot that there was so much people say you can't do. Am I being as stinking cautious as the last time? No. Last time I was afraid to move too much or eat anything that wasn't a salad. Last night, I had ribs. They were GOOD. 

7 Weeks

How far along? As I write this, I am 7 weeks and like 2 days.
Baby size: A blueberry, supposedly.
Total weight gain/loss: While I was at my parents, I decided to step on a scale and weigh myself for the first time in something like a year. THAT was a BAD idea. Either this baby or the last year has caused me to pack on a pound or two, or three, or twenty... I think it lied. I think it's broken. I'm not TOO worried about it. I still fit in my clothes, I don't feel unhealthy, and no one else has mentioned anything.
Maternity clothes? Other than the ones I've been rocking since Peyton, not yet.
Stretch marks? Just the left-over ones.
Sleep: Eh, we're all still recovering, so it's not great.
Best moment this week:  Thanksgiving dinner. That's always a high note.
Miss Anything? Uhm, Oysters.  Chicken. Also not wondering if food is going to make me sick.
Movement: Of course not. 
Food cravings: Still with the pickle juice. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Today we decided to be repulsed completely by chicken of every type. And the thought of greasy things makes me kind of "ick." I still don't really like or want anything sweet either. I have a dilemma. Does this child realize we live in the south? 
Have you started to show yet: People keep commenting on my belly. I think it has something to do with that broken scale and first trimester bloat, but I try to be smart and keep my opinions to myself.
Gender: I still don't know. Starting to think everyone else thinks it's a boy. Ben hasn't called it either way.
Symptoms: I WANT TO TOSS MY COOKIES. Things that make my heart happy one moment, might send me running for my life the next. (Happened this morning. I asked Ben to bring me a Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Biscuit from Hardees. I was so excited. I opened the bag and... today has not been good.) The milk producers have remembered how this is supposed to go without problem. In the morning I start off with a normal looking belly, but by the end of the day I'm pretty bloated and look about 4 months pregnant. I try to get as much work done as possible by lunch, because somewhere around 1-2 I'm exhausted. Today in Bi-Lo I got super irritable. Katie said I was "Hangry" and Ben said I needed a snickers. The leg cramps have returned.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to: Eating normally. Our doctor's appointment this Friday. 
Random Observations: This child confuses me. I told Ben this morning that this child is so quiet. Most of the time I forget baby is in there... but then every once in a while the child decides to shake things up and remind me.  Most of the symptoms I had with Peyton, are not happening this go around. Case in point: burping. With Peyton I started burping (Like, giant man-burps) around 4 weeks and I didn't stop until she was born. Haven't had heartburn yet - which had kicked in *Big-TIME*  by this time. I still like Ranch Dressing - last time, it turned my stomach the entire pregnancy. So the differences keep me on my toes.
Peyton isn't as interested in this whole "baby" thing now. Seems like we might have a small case of jealousy. She keeps telling everyone that she's a baby - not a big girl - and that we need to hold her, feed her, and treat her like a little baby. She doesn't seem to think that the baby is in her tummy anymore, she tried to lift up my shirt to show people the other day. *Whoops.*

8 Weeks

How far along? 8 weeks

Baby size: A raspberry

Total weight gain/loss: According to the scale at the doc's office, I have lost three lbs this week. I should not have worried about the extra lb's last week. No sooner had I typed the words... boy, did the nausea kick in. We haven't done a lot of eating lately. Thank the good Lord for prenatal vitamins.

Maternity clothes? Some, but not the pants yet. Right now I'm dealing with the lovely dance of: "This fits this morning, but will it fit tonight?" So we're just keeping it kinda loosey-goosey. Are my pants unbuttoned underneath this shirt that could possibly be a maternity shirt? Maybe. Maybe not. The world may never know.
Stretch marks? Just the same old same old.

Sleep: Better than expected. In fact, I've been sleeping pretty hard. Some nights I don't even have to wake up to pee. (Don't worry, I hold it - I haven't wet the bed... yet. HAHA) Granted, I have had some not fun dreams lately.
Best moment this week:  Our doctor's appointment today! Seeing a little, healthy, wiggly blob on the screen is a good feeling.

Miss Anything? Uhm, food. Actually, not really. I miss not feeling queasy when I think about or smell food.
Movement: Nada.
Food cravings: CRAVINGS? YOU MEAN AVERSIONS?! Right now, I can't even THINK about grease, fast food, or most meat. I've been eating a lot of pickles, bread, potatoes and salt. I have to say though, Outback's steak and baked potatoes make Mommy and Baby very happy. (This does not count everywhere, because the same meal at Fatz does NOT make Mommy and Baby very happy.)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Does everything count? This baby doesn't really like anything too sweet, funny textures, fast food, things like fried chicken and bacon... Yeah, it's kind of "play it by nose." It might sound REALLY great, but once it's in front of me... I'm like: NO. Side note: Being pregnant is NOT the time to try "Chestnuts roasted on an open fire." I apologize to the group of tween girls who sadly decided to walk in-between me and the bushes. I didn't mean to so forcefully break up your group walk.
Have you started to show yet: Eh, yay and nay? I might not look preggers when I first wake up, but this is a trick. Within the first 3-4 hours I start with the bloating. By the end of the day, I look about 4 months along!
Gender: The Lord only knows at this point, though my Dad claims that he also has the answer. He has written it down and we are waiting to read the envelope until we find out the gender fo' sho.
Symptoms: I get hungry and the thought of eating makes me want to puke all at the same time. I'm tired pretty much 24/7. I can get a little moody and short with people and inanimate objects. I do cry, but generally it's something that is actually sad. Maybe it's a sad commercial... or maybe it's the horror scenario my mind decided to start up of my loved ones dying on me. A little bloated in the belly region. My boobs hurt. Everything tastes weird. (What the heck, toothpaste?) Generally, I don't have the best nose out there, and by pregnancy standards, my sniffer is no where near as effective as other's... but my goodness... there are some smells where I'm like "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS HAPPENING?! WHY WOULD YOU WEAR OR EAT OR JUST BE SOMETHING SO STINKY. I MUST MOVE - NOW."
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to: Sleeping in and napping during the weekend.
Random Observations: My sister and I have always been close, but I guess since she's been chilling at my house things have reached a new level. Chica is suffering from sympathy symptoms! I've had a few good laughs about this. She started complaining a couple weeks ago about some weird stuff and I realized that almost ALL of it was symptoms I had when I was pregnant with Peyton, but that were either not as bad or I wasn't dealing with at all this go around. She didn't believe me at first, so I told her to Google it. She was horrified when she realized I was right and this really was a thing.
Second, poor Peyton. Life is a struggle right now. Sister is having a TIME. She might be drama, but she has never been high-maintenance. Chica could roll with whatever. Loves people, but doesn't have to have them. Mainly a snuggler at bedtime and when she's sick. Well, you know, it's a lot just being 2, but Mommy hasn't been feeling well and everyone keeps talking about how there's going to be another baby and she's going to be a sister, and Daddy's job and hours are changing... she's gotten more than a little clingy to Mommy and Daddy. We go no-where without out pappy. Mommy going to the bathroom is a group thing now-a-days, cuddles have to happen more often now, and sleeping in her own bed is just something that can wait until things settle down again.
Also, I am going to crank the chalkboard back up, but like I said, things have been a little crazy around our house these days. Hopefully I can get one for this weekend. :)
Mid-week: I'm exhausted and I have a major headache that just wont go away. Trying to stay awake at work. All of the stupid pregnancy blogs say "Just take a nap!" Uhm, HELLO, we don't all live in a fantasy dreamworld. Who the heck can just take a midweek nap like no-biggie?!

9 Weeks

How far along? 9 weeks and 3 days
Baby size: A green olive
Total weight gain/loss: No clue. Going to guess that I've lost at least a couple more lbs though.
Maternity clothes? Some. Some not. Tying to mix and match with what looks decent and what feels good.
Stretch marks? Just the old ones.
Sleep: Not too many problems here. I'm sleeping through, but I'm still tired a lot.
Best moment this week:  The weekend. Having Ben home was wonderful. Getting to take naps was also wonderful.

Miss Anything? Not being grossed out at the thought of food. Everything seems disgusting. EVEN my beloved coffee!
Movement: You know, sometimes I think "Maybe?" but I know it's not. The cool part is, since this is my second go-around, I might be able to feel baby before I'm out of the first trimester!
Food cravings: I really don't want to eat. I'm hungry, but please don't make me eat. If I must eat, can it be vegetables and fruit and salt?
Anything making you queasy or sick: If I don't eat. If it's too greasy. If it's too sweet. If it's pretty much any meat. If you smell funny. If I smell funny. If I think of something gross. For the first time ever, I gagged when I changed one of Peyton's dirty diapers.
The other night, Peyton went to the fish camp with her Mimi and Papa. She wanted me to cuddle her that night, but she smelled so bad like the fish camp, I told her she would have to cuddle Mommy's back. I promptly gave her a good scrubbing first thing in the morning. Didn't even let the child brush her own teeth. That junk had to GO.
Then I got brave on Friday. I thought I could go to Chick-Fil-A and try to stomach a Chicken Breakfast Burrito. NO. Just NO.
Have you started to show yet: I have a lot of bloat.
Gender: I don't have a clue and I refuse to call it. But everyone seems to be leaning toward Boy. Ben doesn't care either way. All the old wives tales and stuff honestly come out 50/50.
Symptoms: Everything makes me queasy. I'm tired. I'm achy on the sides of my lower stomach and kind of all over my stomach. I CAN SMELL EVERYTHING. Boobs are still sore. I cry about sad things. Sometimes I cry about really happy things. I have some really strange dreams. It doesn't take much for me to be panting like I've had a complete workout.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to: Being able to eat again! Being able to THINK about eating again! Feeling the baby move. Finding out the gender so we can get baby named and start getting ready.
Random Observations: You know how some people sing and talk about old relationships that just can't go away? That's how Food and I am right now. Sometimes, I dream about how good it used to be. I just KNOW we could make it work! I get excited and I make plans for us to be together... and then we're together... It makes my nose hairs curl up in disgust. I get queasy and think "How could this have ever been good? How could I have ever thought that we could make this work? WHAT was I THINKING?!"
But as of moods, I'm a little more even keeled this pregnancy than the last. Maybe it's because I know what to expect, maybe it's the kid's personality shining through. Maybe it's because it could be a different gender. Maybe it's because I'm older and Peyton's wore me down. Hahaha. Granted, now that I've said this, I could have the most emotional week ever. You never can tell with these things.

10 Weeks

How far along? Holy Cannoli's we've made it to the double digits! 10 weeks 3 days
Baby size: A prune... ew.
Total weight gain/loss: I haven't a clue.
Maternity clothes? Some. Still hanging on with the pants. I found my belly band the other morning. That thing is a stomach saver!
Stretch marks? Just the old ones.
Sleep: Eh, the last few nights have been rough. I couldn't even get a decent nap in this weekend. Not sure what's up. Going to try to wind down a little better tonight.
Best moment this week: Hm. Maybe Christmas shopping with my girl. She's a hoot. Also, I'm almost completely sure I felt baby move the other night, and a couple times since then.

Miss Anything? Hm. Having a normal sense of smell. Not having to think about everything. Example: having to google if Bengay is safe during pregnancy. It's apparently not suggested.
Movement: Pretty sure I felt little one a couple nights ago. I was really relaxed and laying down at bedtime. I had my hand on my belly and I felt it.  (Not from the outside, but from the inside.) It's the weirdest feeling, but I know it. The little bugger was moving around in there.
Food cravings: Nothing really... anymore, I'm just ready to eat and get it over with. Ben and I went out the other night and talked about this. I told him a while back that it had occurred to me that I had a rather unhealthy appreciation of food and coffee... borderline worship. Well, things don't sit on thrones that they don't belong on, for long. I can say I no longer have this problem. Shoot, I was just happy that I was able to eat a cheeseburger the other night.
Anything making you queasy or sick: See the above question.
Have you started to show yet: Some say yes, some say no? I think I'm just caring less about covering up the pudge.
Gender: Still don't know. Peyton is still voting Team Girl. Everyone else is still siding Team Boy. I the first dream about this baby last night. I dreamed the child was a month old and someone asked me what the gender was. It occurred to me that I didn't know, so I whipped off baby's diaper, and baby was a girl. I even turned my head and then looked again just to see if it would change. It didn't. I felt really bad though, because the baby was a month old and her own parents didn't know she was a girl and hadn't even named her. (Granted, all my first pregnancy, I dreamed that I was having a little blonde haired boy. Except this one time I dreamed a little black-haired banshee popped out... and in that dream, I couldn't tell the gender. I was closer with the black-haired banshee.)
Symptoms: Tired, bloat-y, super-power sniffer, queasy, food aversions, nose bleeds, etc.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? OnLooking forward to: It's Christmas this week, DUH!
Random Observations: Pregnancy is weird. Except when it isn't and you sometimes get so busy you forget.

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