How Far Along? 14 weeks today!
Baby Size: A Lemon... Okay, so I lied last week. Apparently, last week baby was the size of a peach??? Which confuses me because I thought peaches were bigger then lemons??
Total Weight Gain: Hmm... not sure. I weigh myself at work on our cattle scale (it's pretty accurate), but I honestly don't remember what my last weigh in was. (I was a zombie that day.)
Maternity Clothes: Some. Clothes are still complicated.
Stretch Marks: Not yet...
Sleep: I love it. I could use some more! I was seriously falling asleep at work on Friday. I got to sleep in till almost 8 this morning - and it was wonderful!
Best moment this week: Sleeping in this morning! OH! And I drank some sweet tea at my friend Lauren's wedding. (It was just a little glass and I haven't had any in sooo long...) Oh, and when I showed one of my customers the picture of my baby. He was funny. His exact quote: "What in the sam-hill is this??" I haven't laughed that hard in a while.
Miss Anything? Yeah. But I can feel my uterus now - all my little apps call it my "fundus." (TMI, I know.) but just being able to touch that hard spot in my belly and know my baby is in there makes me happy.
Movement: Nada.
Food Cravings: I randomly took off to Chinese after I thought I smelled Chinese on one of the guys at work. Today during the wedding, someone sitting around me was wearing cucumber melon lotion. (Or something Cucumber Melon, anyway.) I really wanted cucumbers. (And they had Cucumbers at the reception! Lauren, the pregnant lady loves you!!) The other night really scared me though. I got a whiff of something and decided that I wanted rutabaga's. The bad part isn't that I don't remember when the last time a ate a rutabaga was... It wasn't even that I don't think they taste good. The disturbing part is the fact that I'm pretty sure someone just passed gas and I - for some insane reason - thought that smelled tasty. THAT was the disturbing part.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really... (knock on wood.)
Started to show yet? Some days people can tell - but at least I can tell now.
Gender: Okay, I am now thoroughly confused. Gut feelings, dreams, old wives tales... they're all just screwing with my head.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding Rings on or off? On
Looking forward to: Feeling baby move! Our next doctor's appointment is also pretty exciting. Maybe baby will show off the goods for Daddy-O's birthday???
so i'm just getting to catch up on your past few blog entries and I'm super glad to see you got some tea at the wedding :) I was so glad to see you and Ben and I'm hoping I told you, but I seriously can barely remember what I said to people!, but congrats of baby Bennett! (that's what I call baby cabiness in my head lol)